
Bridge Encountered a Problem and Is Unable to Read the Cahe Cs6

Corrupted in Adobe Bridge Cache files

Span, left me with corrupted files in the Cache of span that I can't remove, or scan with Macafee or watching with other programs I have.

When I access the folder that contains the corrupted files my PC but hangs.

I accept the latest version of Photoshop and Lightroom running on Windows 7 (64-bit).

Can anyone help?

Thanks for your comments.

The files in the Cache are, I believe, created by span.  Them are thumbnails of the photos.

I was able to remove them by using the "shift-delete" office, so the problem is solved.

Another question is how this has happened, and I will raise it with Adobe.

Tags: Span

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  • Corrupted in the span Enshroud files

    I corrupted files in the Enshroud of bridge that I can't remove, or scan with Macafee or watching with other programs I have.

    When I access the folder that contains the corrupted files my PC only hangs.

    I have the latest version of Photoshop and Lightroom running on Windows 7 (64-flake).

    Tin can anyone assist?


    It is probably all-time to post in the forum of bridge.

  • Adobe bridge cache

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    You tin clear your enshroud in ii ways, or allocate more than infinite to it if you want

    To empty, compact or resize, look here:

    Edit > Preferences > Cache

    This will also bear witness you lot where your cache is stored;

    Or using your file manager, you can locate your enshroud and manually remove it

  • Feature Asking (new); Adobe Bridge Enshroud Manager

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    At present in CS6, I am disappointed that the cache in Bridge organisation has not inverse. Why practise yous have a section in the Adobe Forums that asks the "feature request" so ignore them?

    "I would personally like a tool in the bridge that allows me to manage and control the Cache of more personal and effective mode. I would similar a rocker that would keep 100% previews"in 1 folder for a period of fourth dimension (1 day to i month) until the record enshroud is automatically purged. And an some other rocker which would give me the opportunity to preserve permanently enshroud the selected folder (for example, an Important issue of portfolio or a folder of Images under management).

    As a photographer, I take and edit a large number of photos. When I import a photoshoot with 1 500 photos (non uncommom at all), I have the previews of bridge at 100%, but for only a limited period. Unfortunately, I forgot to serve the individual cache of this file, and the cache relies on a point made very slow Adobe Bridge CS4. I take to then to purge the Cache of the entire bridge in order to make the bridge run shine.

    Adobe couldn't care less.

    Its sad but truthful. : (

  • Adobe Bridge Cache trouble

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    Try the suggestions beneath article and bank check if this is useful.

    [Moved discussion Forum bridge]

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    I always screw upwardly their, it does not affect anything, goose egg does not change, or happens by. Merely, it is very abrasive, there may exist long strings of them specially in the folders of photos. They can & appear no office/everywhere, just usually only in pairs, in or outside the subfolders but finally in a folder. Non sure, simply come up to retrieve of information technology, they may announced on the desktop periodically. Also, when I trash them they always seem to reappear more later... perhaps not all only most-

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    I'g under Ps CS2

    My arrangement: 17 "iMac G4: 1.35 GHz, 1 GB of SDRAM, 80 GB Hard disk drive, 200 GB Maxtor Ext.HD, Leopard ten.5.8.
    * XLR8 MAChSpeed G4 7457 CPU + 512 Cache *.

    This has nothing to do with Photoshop. These files are bridge enshroud files. In CS2, there is an selection to apply a Key or distributed cache. Looks like you have the selected Distributed selection.


    By default, Adobe Bridge stores its cache in a central location. To brand the more than robust cache, you can choose the option to apply Distributed Cache files when Possible in the span's Advanced Preferences dialog box. When this choice is selected, bridge stores the cache for each file in this folder. This makes the cache more robust and eliminates the need to export the cache before burning a CD or DVD. Nonetheless, this creates a pair of enshroud files in each binder. They are normally subconscious, but you tin can view if you choose the command view > bear witness hidden files. In that location are other caching options in the submenu of the Tools menu Cache and in the Advanced preferences in bridge.

    Kind regards


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  • I'm unable to open the photo files in Bridge. I utilize a pc and receive the following observe in Adobe Bridge "bridge met a listen is impossible to read the cache. Please attempt to purge the central cachepreferencestocorrect the situation. "I have purged the cache

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    Hullo Elsa

    Please see Troubleshooting of errors, freezes | Adobe Bridge | Windows, Mac OS and purge the cache when you lot reset preferences.

    Or you tin can follow the steps beneath.

    Windows: -.

    • Navigate to C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Bridge Cs6
    • Rename the binder Cache Enshroud.Old

    Let usa know if this helps


    ~ Assani

  • Bridge on Mac - problems of Cache files

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    I had the file cache on an external hard bulldoze. At startup, the disc was not available.

    I went to "preferences/cache" and chose the external difficult bulldoze.  I completely fill, so restarted.

    He ignored the cache file.

    How can I become that back?


    How-do-you-do Peter,.

    Delight effort again to choose the location of the preferences > cache. If it doesn't reset preferences for the bridge.

    Please refer to the article.

    Troubleshooting Adobe Span for errors and freezes

    Kind regards


  • I am not able to open my files Adobe Span and, sometimes, of file managers, what to do?

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    Check after resetting Bridge preferences,

    • Start Adobe Bridge, and immediately printing Ctrl + Alt + Shift (Windows) or command + Option + shift (Mac OS downwards) and then that the dialog box volition reset the settings displayed, or press the keys Ctrl + Alt + Shift (Windows) or command + Option + shift (Mac Bone), and and so luanch bridge.

    • Select all three options - reset preferences, reset Standard Workspaces and all miniature Purge Enshroud - and then click OK

    Also cheque in the user account did work for you

  • Adobe Span past removing the file directly

    How-do-you-do, I'm Brazilian.
    I take the post-obit problem when I delete the file in Adobe Bridge, file is deleted directly without asking if I desire to delete.
    How to piece of work with files on the server I exercise sometimes piece of work and torque remove unintentionally and eventually the removal of my own work. without asking if I want to actually delete.

    How to solve this problem?

    Maybe at some bespeak y'all said bridge do not evidence again when deleting a file?

    If this is the case y'all can goto Preferences > Full general > reset all alarm dialog boxes.

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    Hi rg,.

    If you accept an older version of the Mac operating arrangement, this error may result from final camera raw update.

    Refer to this link: error: 'File non institute' when opening JPEG files

    Kind regards


  • Open a photo in the bridge, I am unable to make the choice to open in camera raw. This option is a gray clear and don't let me non choose when I go to file in Adobe Bridge CS6. I said I have reset something.  How to cancel it?

    How do I "open up in camera raw" to be a selection when I have much option in 'file' in Adobe Bridge CS6.  The computer tells me that I have reset something.

    Just a idea, I don't have a Mac and perchance incorrect.

    He can ask an administrator countersign modify your computer. If you utilize a password to connect to your computer and that you are the only user, it maybe your login password it asks.

  • Adobe Bridge CC, cache problems

    "Bridge has encountered a trouble and cannot read the cache. Please endeavour to purge central cache in the cache preferences to correct the situation. »

    This came for the first fourth dimension about 3 weeks agone. For the showtime time I opened information technology with the bulletin, I could click on "ok" and keep working. The last 2 weeks, information technology won't pull up photos or annihilation, and so I watched the central enshroud thing.

    I'm going to 'Edit' - 'preferences' - 'hide', simply when I try to "purge enshroud" in the lower part, it freezes. The buttons all go gray and I cannot do anything. The rest of the estimator and other programs Adobe is fine. I can't even cut the plan, even before you go to the preferences.

    Later on half an hr or so of this thing being frozen, I restart the figurer, merely nothing changes.

    I did information technology nearly 5 times, tried to uninstall and reinstall the bridge... Null moves!

    Delight help; I actually need this to work.


    Delight follow the steps below: -.

    • Press and agree the CTRL, ALT, Shift (Windows) / Cmd + Selection + Shift (MAC) during the kickoff-upward of bridge and exercise bank check the cache Purge,then select Ok

    • "With BridgeCC closed, go to username C:\Users\"Your "\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Bridge CC (Windows) user/Library/Caches/Adobe Span CC / Cache / (MAC) and delete the Cache folder

    Go throughtroubleshooting errors, freezes also. Adobe Bridge | Windows, Mac Bone



  • Delete a corrupted cache file (was: what on Earth this MEANS AND this WHO Do I doing?)

    "No blazon of document have been establish in the Configuration/docmentTypes/folder. The MMDocumentTypes.xml file may be missing or damaged. The awarding will exit now. »

    This means what he says.

    To fix it, try this

    Deleting a corrupted cache file


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